Product Details

100% Biodegradable Beverage Rings
Making the world a better place, one can at a time.

Ready for a reliable alternative to single-use plastic?
Want your beer to stand out from the crowd? It’s time to consider Earthrings.

  • Earthrings are a home compostable cardboard packaging option for beverage multi-packs.

  • Cardboard! They’re made with several layers of solid fiber cardboard, but can withstand moisture because of a double coating of a moisture-resistant material—the recipe is a secret, but it’s 100% biodegradable.

  • Quite a lot! Take them on fishing trips, throw them in your cooler, put them through their paces—just remember, they are not plastic. Earthrings will eventually break down when in an extremely wet environment—they’re biodegrade, after all.

  • Yes. Whether you need to manually attach them to one six-pack, or mechanically package 300 cans pe minute, we have machinery that can cover every speed.

  • Yes, training is included with our tabletop machines—either virtual or in person if you are close to one of our representatives.

    If you purchase an automated machine (150cpm or 300 cpm), onsite installation and training is built into the agreement.

  • Absolutely! Our qualified techs will respond to you via phone or video for free, or onsite at additional cost.

Be the brewmaster who breaks the mold.